Emergency Alerts
GoCC4All delivers emergency alerts for the user's geographic location in an accessible format for braille displays and screens. Information includes weather alerts and warnings for the general population.
GoCC4All has location capabilities. Location information will be shared only with the person authorized by the user. Location information will be sent when a severe alert occurs in the user's area. Users can also send location information anytime when they feel at risk. This feature is available only for users that are 18 years of age or older.
The emergency alerts are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). On May 15, 2019, Dicapta Foundation was authorized by FEMA to use GoCC4All to retrieve and disseminate emergency alerts information from the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS).
TV Captions
Users can enjoy television and selected content using: a braille display, the mobile device VoiceOver feature or simply by reading TV captions on the screen.
Current Line up : Ideal Channel, WUCF-TV PBS Orlando, Discovery, CNN, Fox News, Telemundo, TBS and FX.
The channels lineup is updated periodically.
The Ideal Channel provides 24 hours of "rotating" programming, that has been prepared especially for our users by adding the name of the speaker to all TV captions. Regular TV captions don't always include the name of the speaker.